Thursday, October 9, 2014

Mumford & Sons - I Will Wait

Mumford & Sons: I Will Wait

The Most Interesting Man's Make on Mumford & Sons

The hipster band's mega hit that has fans listening around the world.

Hating Mumford & Sons Is Futile

Sure, it's easy to pick on Mumford & Sons and their legions of new fans. They're hipsters. The songs are sometimes so catchy, you feel like they're just an irresistible strain of the latest virus going around. If at all possible, you'd like to avoid them like the plague.

But you can't. And here's why. Not only have we just exposed you to one of the greatest songwriting bands of this generation (if you didn't already know them before), but now that you've hopefully listened to the band performing "I Will Wait" in their live music video, you know you want to know more about this group.

And don't tell me that before you knew who was in the band, you never thought the lead singer's voice sounds almost exactly like singer David Gray, of Babylon fame. Don't think so?

OK. Go ahead. Watch this clip, and let us know how crazy that comparison really is (or isn't).

Now here's an interesting story, or rather, stories, about Mumford & Sons in documentary form.

Now, if that hasn't inspired you or given you some insight into the story behind the people who are Mumfor & Sons, and their crew and fans, well, so be it.

On the other hand, if you've taken a liking to them, you might enjoy these two commercial plugs that we don't get anything to promote:

Hipster Clothes - where you can buy clothes that look like spent money on daddy's credit cart, so that you can look almost like you didn't buy them, but rather recycled them instead, in an ironic exclamation of privileged fake poverty and immaterialism.

Mumford & Sons online shop - where you can buy all the official stuff that the band sells to people who are too cool for school.

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